3D Object Recognition and Pose Estimation

- 指導教授 黃漢邦 博士 研究生 張哲軒

- Advisor :Dr.Han-Pang Huang Student : Che-Hsuan Chang

Lab. of Robotics., Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan


When a humanoid robot walks in the environment, it will face many disturbances, including unknown external push, contact forces on the body, and impact ground reaction forces.

There are many unpredicted disturbance when a humanoid robot operates in a real environment. One of the most common disturbances is “push”. Different types of pushes should be handled with different strategies, and the strategy introduced in this thesis involves dealing with an external push from both the front and back of the robot in a sagittal direction.

The proposed COG angular momentum regulator effectively counteracts external forces and disturbances by generating motion of the upper body via using the CMP criterion and the ground reaction forces as feedback. Furthermore, the online COG and footstep planning strategy address two different types of pushes that are also introduced. The overall push recovery strategy developed in this thesis shows the successful recovery of the robot from a push state.


人型機器人行走於外界環境時會遭受許多干擾,例如: 未知的推力,機器人與環境接觸力和機器人腳底板與地面的瞬間作用力。其中最常見的干擾就是未知的推力。對於不同類型之推力,機器人必須以不同的因應對策處理。本論文主要討論為機器人遭受瞬間推力情況,此推力施加於機器人行走之前進方向,分別從機器人前方與後方施予推力。
