Mechatronic Design of a Biped Robot and Gait Coordination Control

- 指導教授 黃漢邦 博士 研究生 趙毓文

- Advisor :Dr.Han-Pang Huang Student :Yi-wen Chao

Lab. of Robotics., Department of Mechanical Engineering National Taiwan University Taiwan


The main objective of this thesis is to improve the performance and extent the flexibility of a humanoid robot walking on unknown rough terrain with given locomotion patterns. The momentum compensation is adopted for reducing the rotational slip of locomotion by upper body. Considering several types of walking, the corresponding adjustments of momentum compensation are made. The gait coordination is developed for dynamic balancing with given trajectory sets. By combing landing modification and ankle-based stabilization controllers, the simulation results show that it can improve the stability of locomotion when walking with disturbances. A biped mechanism with trunk is designed and fabricated for the construction of a humanoid robot prototype, which is used as a platform to verify the proposed approaches. The distributed control architecture using USB and CAN bus is developed. Practical implementations and the basic scenario of locomotion are conducted to integrate the motor control with the communication protocol developed in the proposed distributed control architecture for autonomous operations.


本文主要的目的在於改善機器人在不平整路面上雙足步行的表現及穩定性,意即在給定的步行軌跡下,拓展機器人對於動態平衡調整的彈性。透過上半身動作所進行 的角動量補償,可以減低機器人於行走時因腳部動作而造成的旋轉滑動。此外,我們也探討了針對不同步行方式的角動量補償方式需要進行甚麼樣的調整。在處理動 態平衡的問題上,我們利用腳步協調(gait coordination)的規劃將問題分成兩個部份。第一個部份藉由即時的逆運動學求解器來達成踏步水平高度上的調整,而第二個部分則藉由腳踝穩定控制 器來微調腳踝角度,使得腳板能更為貼合地面。上述規劃的演算法及控制器的整合均已透過模擬來驗證。在模擬中,機器人除了能在上半身角動量補償的情況下進行 表現較佳地直走轉彎外,亦能穩定地行走在不平路面,並減緩系統建模誤差所造成的干擾。

為了進一步驗證步行相關的演算法與控制器的作用,我們設計了 一個人型機器人原型機中的腰部及腳部機構。透過由CAN bus及USB所架構而成的分散式系統,基本的機器人指令如回歸起始點,手動定位,及軌跡追蹤均能透過規劃的通訊協定來定義及操作。上述規劃的指令也已透 過實驗來實現。