Footprint Searching and Trajectory Design of a Biped Robot
- 指導教授 黃漢邦 博士 研究生 凌品洋 - Advisor :Dr.Han-Pang
Huang Student : Pin-Yong Ling Abstract:
The main objective of this thesis is to design a footstep-planning algorithm for humanoid robots. Unlike wheeled robots, humanoid robots can negotiate obstacles and climb stairs, and is therefore more suitable for navigation in more complex environments. As the algorithm takes height and horizontal coordinates into account, the humanoid robot can plan its steps in three dimensions, allowing it to avoid collisions and remain stable throughout. Both computational error and impact during the landing of a foot might give rise to a difference between the command trajectory and the simulation result. The robot can remain stable, but there is a possibility of collision in a complex environment. To reduce this, we use feedback information from each foot to modify the trajectory of the next step. The momentum generated by a moving foot might cause an unexpected rotational error, and we compensate for it by swinging the robot body and arms, while restricting the available range of swing to avoid exaggerated swinging motions. The simulation physical environment was constructed using ADAMS, and all of the control code was built in MATLAB. These two environments are connected by Simulink in MATLAB.
由於著地時的碰撞以及計算時的誤差,在模擬時,人型機器人在行走時會產生滑動,使行走的軌跡與指定的軌跡產生偏移。這種誤差雖不至於使人型機器人不穩定,但在複雜的地形中可能會導致碰撞。為了減少這種誤差,我們將回授前腳步的資訊並及時修改下一步的位置。 雙腳在行走時所產生的角動量也可能會使機器人產生預期外的轉動。我們使用上半身的轉動來產生一個相對應的角動量來補償下半身的動作,以減少著地腳的滑動。此外,為了避免上半身轉動到誇張的角度,我們也提出一個方法來修正於行走不規則步伐時上半身的轉動範圍。 我們的模擬環境建構在ADAMS上,控制程式則在Matlab上撰寫,兩者透過Matlab內的Simulink連結。 |