Modeling of a Biped Robot and Gait Analysis
- 指導教授 黃漢邦 博士 研究生 陳彥霖 - Advisor :Dr.Han-Pang
Huang Student : Yen-Lin Chen Abstract:
The central theme of this thesis is the construction of a simplified biped robot model with the ability to generate arbitrary vertical movement of its center of gravity (COG). We have designed constraints to make the robot’s dynamics and kinematics as simple as possible, and we analyze and derive the equations for controlling the robot well. We also discuss the different phases of motion and the transition phases between them, so that we have sufficient information to control the robot and plan its trajectory efficiently.. A biped robot with variable COG height is a time varying system. The optimal control is employed for the control of the system, and the system, states will be estimated. At those points in the movement cycle when the center of pressure (COP) is predicted not to coincide with the zero moment point (ZMP), a weighting function is applied in order to rapidly compensate for the incipient imbalance. In addition, compliance control and landing planning are considered to reduce the landing impact. The simulations of walking with varying COG height and hopping are conducted to verify the proposed algorithm.