The main objective of this thesis is to develop an
autonomous navigation system for robot arms, which can operate in
most of environments, such as kitchen, factory, etc. Furthermore,
by extending our planner into a dual-arm planner, we can enhance the
work efficiency of the robot.
To begin with, we propose an algorithm about motion planning in the
state space. It can overcome some difficult planning problems in static
environments. Due to the anytime planning fashion, the partial plan
can also be returned when deliberation time is limited. Further, the
Multi-RRTs algorithm uses this advantage of continuously re-planning
to adjust the parameters.
Next, in order to solve the problem of planning in the dynamic environments,
we proposed a CT-RRTs (Bi-direction RRTs in Configuration Time space)
planner, which can make the robot arm reach goal successfully in the
partially known dynamic environment. However it plans in the augmented
state-time space of robot arm configuration and the positions of moving
objects. Various techniques are used to accelerate planning and enhance
its safety.
Finally, we utilize the new planner to develop the dual-arm planner,
and it can be used as the basis to solve higher level problems in
motion planning.
A software platform is developed for both simulation and for real-world
navigation, where environment and planning results are visualized
in 3D. In real-world implementation, a vision module for distance
measurement and a motor control module are integrated. In our experiments,
the system is able to navigate the robot arm in static environments
in real time.